Long time ago in a Village of Bengal lived a farmer Grihastha , with him lived his wife, mother and children , since some time their life had become so miserable that there was no peace in family; kids stopped playing and were busy fighting with each other,Grihastha and his wife also had arguments quite often, now there was neither harmony nor respect in the family, things were out of control. Disappointed with all this Grihastha was sitting outside his house in a hope to find a solution to the problem and get them resolved, but he couldn’t make out what to do.
Grihatha had a vain bull in his yard. Everyone in the village accused the bull of the bad omen on the family, and said that now the family must do something about it .Finally Grihastha decided to take his bull to cattle market and sell it. He thought that the money he gets by selling the bull, he would buy food, gifts and sweets for the family, he shared his idea to his wife and this being the only way to get rid of the beast, his wife agreed immediately with his decision.
Next morning he started his journey to market in hope of something better and good, the market was quite far from the village. On his way to the market there was a dense forest, while crossing the forest Grihastha came across a small hut and decided to rest there for a while, there he saw a priest living with his family, they offered him bread and water. Priest asked Grihastha to bring few stuff for him from the market as he had to perform a religious ritual so he gave 3 pennies and requested Grihastha to get him Oil for 1 penny, Sweets for 1 penny and Marijuana for 3rd penny.
Grihastha took the money and continued his journey, He had a little hope if anyone would buy his vain Bull, hopelessly he entered the cattle market, as soon as he entered the market people gathered around him to buy his bull at good prices; Grihastha was surprised by this and sold his bull on a good deal, with that money he bought food, sweets and gifts, for his family then He went to grocery store to buy Oil for priest and asked the shop keeper to give him Oil for a penny, the shopkeeper laughed at Grihastha and said “are you mad, how I can measure Oil for penny .No one sells oil for one penny”. Grihastha asked the shopkeeper to use base of his pot turning it upside down and measure a little oil worth a penny, following Grihastha’s suggestion the shopkeeper poured some oil on the base of the pot and saw oil disappear from the pot, astonished by the incidence he poured more oil and again he saw oil disappeared, then he keep on pouring one, two, three gallon of oil and all vanished from the pot, gradually people gathered around the shop surprised!! Where the oil was going? The Shop keeper blamed Grihastha for it. Grihastha tried to explain his innocence but he couldn’t.
Suddenly somebody from the crowd suggested that if the oil disappeared from the back of the pot it must come out if poured back to containers, taking the advice in consideration the shopkeeper did the same and saw all 3 gallons filled with oil again.
People present there were amazed by this and asked Grihastha about it. Even Grihastha doesn’t had a clue of it ,as he was also buying it for someone else , finally he bought oil for a penny but he didn't had a pot to carry oil with him , so he asked shopkeeper to pour oil in his handkerchief he will tie a knot and keep it safe , this time shopkeeper was not amazed as he thought if 3 gallons of Oil can be poured in a base why not it will rest on cotton and same thing happened , oil floating on handkerchief as rain drop rests on leaf.
Grihastha tide a knot and started his journey back having questions in his mind about the mysterious incidences he witnessed just few moments ago, when he reached the priest’s hut and told him all what happened and asked if he had an idea about this , Priest smiled and said I have to conduct a pooja of Trilokinath ji and so I asked you to buy these things , he is the Creator, he is Omani present and so there is no wonder such things happen every now and then as he is always there for all his disciple and if you also want to be under his shadow you are also invited to participate in the ritual today, take his blessings and then you can start your journey to home , Grihastha immediately agreed as he had already witnessed his glory and realized that the only reason he was able to sell his bull at good price is because of Trilokinathji . He participated with priest in the ritual learned how to perform, took blessing and started his journey back to home.
As soon he reached courtyard of his house he saw his children playing among themselves, his sick child is now healthy and is running towards him screaming joyfully baba his wife and mother are in harmony and peace with each other, his wife called his mother “dear mother come and see who is here”, everyone is happy, the house is full of love and affection and is now a better place to live
Grihastha now realized that there is a cosmic power looking after us, there are both happiness and Sorrow in one’s life, but Trilokinathji is taking care of all his children.
Everyone must do his duties and worship divine Trinity to bring happiness to his life and to others life as well.